
Love Is In The Air


It’s February 1, and now that we’ve turned the page on this new month it’s time to go ahead and face facts:

Love is in the air.

I used to think Valentine’s Day (and all the hullabaloo that goes with it) was just a holiday manufactured by card and gift stores to get us all back to spending money for gifts while we’re still recovering from our big Christmas spend, and hey- maybe that’s still true.

But my attitude about Valentine’s Day has changed just a tad as they years have passed. First of all, I got married on Valentine’s Day. (More on that another time. It wasn’t for the lovey-dovey reasons you may think, but now that it’s our Anniversary, I do actually love it!) Second, the whole world wears pink and red on repeat. (Can we make this a think not JUST for February?!?) Third, can you even handle all the sweets and treats there are to tempt us this month? Be still my candy-loving heart.

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of L-O-V-E, but don’t get bogged down thinking it’s only for people who have a life parter, significant other, or spouse. This month, let’s celebrate our Girlfriends (Galentines Day, anyone?) Let’s celebrate all the love we’ve learned from over the years (Throw a “Stupid Cupid” Party!) And while we’re at it- how about let’s celebrate learning to love ourselves as we are just a little bit more.

There are a LOT of things to love, and to celebrate all that love floating around, I’ve put together another Spotify playlist for you. This one’s got 2 hours of my favorite love songs. You can get to the playlist by clicking here.

I’d love to hear from you- Did I leave out your favorite love song?

Running Start


This is a post with a goal of putting one of my 2020 goals into context for you in hopes that context resonates with something you’re experiencing as well. (And if it does, I’d love to hear about it. There’s so much power in knowing someone else is thinking about something that’s also on your mind.)

As 2019 concluded and I was digging into the key areas on which I wanted to focus energy this year I noticed a change in some of the words I was brainstorming when I thought about goals related to my physical health. The word “weight” wasn’t to be found on the page. ANYWHERE.

Insert record scratch sound effect here.

To be honest, I don’t know what I actually weigh at this moment, but I’m quite certain the number isn’t an optimum number. Like so many this time of year, some holiday indulgences (going back to July 4th if I’m REALLY honest) have taken their toll. But with all that in mind, a glance at the page where I was journaling my feelings about my physical health turned up words like “balance, awareness, focus, shift.”

I do have some health and wellness goals for 2020, but you won’t find me talking anywhere about losing weight- and that’s on purpose. I don’t have a goal for pounds lost, and I honestly haven’t decided when or if I’ll get on the scale.

My goal this year is to be a better steward of the physical health I’ve been gifted.

I focused on some other areas in my life with greater intensity in 2019, and while those same areas of focus remain in my vision for 2020, I know I cannot let that focus come at the expense of taking care of myself. So, I’m carving in time to get my shoes laced up and get back on the pavement with some running. For me, running (ummm…slowly jogging still counts, right?) represents an activity I can do most anywhere that feels great once I’ve completed it. At some point I’ll tell you more details about my mental and physical journey with running if you’re interested, but for today that activity remains something I can come back to as something like a comfort zone. I know what to expect, what my body responds to and handles well, and it’s easy to set goals and measure progress (something that’s also important to me if I’m going to stick to something.)

So what does that mean about 2020 goals exactly? Well, my husband and I sat on our couch late last month and agreed to sign up for the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon here in town in March. That means we have to get started NOW to be ready.

We’re signed up. We have our respective training plans. Straight honesty again- so far Jodie has been more dedicated than I have been on sticking to the early runs. But I’m doing it. My runs so far have been a mix of torture and triumph. (Literally in the same mile last week I wondered aloud how I’d let my stamina get so low again and then cheered when I finally turned the corner and realized I was almost at my half way point.)

We are lucky here in sweet home South Carolina because temps are hovering in the 60s and low 70s during the day. (IN JANUARY, Y’ALL!!) I can run outside along Ocean Boulevard and not have to be bundled up, so I want to take advantage of that. I know that each time I make the conscious choice to take the time to do this I’m taking advantage of the fact that I CAN do it, and I’m making a conscious effort to do something to help my body stay healthy so I can enjoy my blessings for a long, long time. My connection to the goal of running this race in March is that it will mean I’ve stuck to the goal and made lots of little choices these first few months of the year that will help me reshape my thoughts about moving my body, using food to fuel it and being more deliberate about the commitment to habits I know are important to my long term health.

If you don’t know me well you may not even understand that opening up in a post like this is FAR outside of my comfort zone; yet it represents something I want to do because I know it becomes a public commitment to take care of myself as well.

So what does this mean for you? I have to say I’m not sure- that’s such a personal thing. Do you have a physical health goal? Maybe yours is not to run a race at all but to drink more water or to start walking. Maybe you hate running/walking for exercise, but really love yoga or riding a bike. Maybe you haven’t set ANY physical goals at all because you’re avoiding thinking about those areas of your life right now because other areas are in need of that energy. Hey- that’s okay. We are all in very different spaces mentally about what is important to us, and perhaps more specifically WHY those things are important to us. Your journey is your own. I’ll cheer you on regardless of what your goal is if you’d like to share.

But in the spirit of community and because I needed a new playlist to use on this race journey, I’ve made another Spotify list you’re also welcome to use. It’s filled with some motivational and fun songs I’ll be listening to on repeat these next few months while I’m training and running. Some make me laugh and sing along. Some of these give me a little extra ‘umph’ when I feel like I’m running low on energy or motivation. Some of them bring back memories of things, places or people I love- and make me smile regardless of what I’m doing. I’ll warn you there are a couple songs on this list I didn’t select the edited version, so a naughty word or two may slip in. If that offends you, I apologize; there aren’t many and I’d never purposefully try to offend you. There’s 2 hours and 8 minutes of motivation on this list. (I’ll have to add a few more songs to it before race day because my stretch goal for March is to do the dang thing between 2:30-2:40 total.) If you listen and have an idea for a song that should be added, let me know! You can help me play DJ.

Here’s my promise to you: I won’t be posting daily updates about what run I did (or didn’t do.) That’s not my goal here. My mission with LetterJess is to “Inspire Delight.” I’m delighted every time I get to work on an order for you, but I’m also really delighted when I reach a goal or milestone. When I feel like I’ve overcome something in my own mind that has held me back, or when I hear from you about something wonderful happening in your corner of the world, I AM DELIGHTED!

So go get your shoes on, grab your headphones (are they still called that?) and hit the road with me. I’ll give you a running start. Click here to go to Spotify for my “Running Start” playlist.

Holiday Playlist


If you are one of those people who doesn’t want to see holiday decorations until December and hates holiday music before Thanksgiving, I’d probably recommend you take a moment to bookmark this blog post and come back to it at a later date.

It’s holiday playlist time at my house, y’all.

Let’s be honest. It has been for a couple weeks now. I can not apologize for that. Holiday music is something of a nostalgic thing for me. I LOVE memories of decorating the tree with family nearby with these songs playing. We never lived close to our grandparents or other family members, so there was always a road trip associated with holiday visits- and before the days of 24 hour holiday music stations I learned to get excited when ole Branda Lee started singing about Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.

Classics never go out of style, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t also some great new takes on holiday favorites. I’ve taken the liberty of compiling a Spotify playlist for you that includes some of those holiday favorites for this season.

I’m listening to it while I’m writing this. Admittedly I’m biased, but I think it’s pretty great. I hope you’ll enjoy it too. Here are 35 songs (2 hours of music) to help you get yourself into the holiday spirit.

Get your jingle bells ready, and click here to head straight over to Spotify so you can give it a listen/download. I have also included a picture below of the list of songs..

I’d love to hear your favorite Holiday song. Did I leave any off the list?


Tailgating Tunes


Football season is in full swing, and I couldn’t be more excited about it. One of the best parts of football season for me is the time I spend with family and friends tailgating before (and after) the games. If you’re lucky enough to make friends with the people you tailgate near through the years, the first few games can seem like family reunions. Excitement abounds for those few magical game days each year, and it’s my belief that a must-have for any football Saturday or Sunday is the perfect tailgating playlist. Your playlist should be a mix of musical genres and contain tunes almost anyone can recognize. Bonus points if you get a few friends to sing along.

I’m pleased to share my 2019 Tailgating Tunes playlist with you. 68 songs for 4 hours and 40 minutes of music means you can tailgate quite awhile and never hear the same song twice. I hope you enjoy! I’d love to hear your favorite fall tailgating songs. Did I leave out any classics?

Click here for the LetterJess “Tailgating Tunes” on Spotify.

Click here for a list of all the songs in case you don’t utilize Spotify.

(note there are a couple of songs with explicit lyrics or tone)