Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (part 1)


There’s a group of questions out there we’ve all be asked from time to time at the beginning of a meeting, the first day of school, an interview; something like that. You know those questions. ICE BREAKERS

Questions like, “If you could be any animal, what animal would you choose?” “If you had to go to a deserted island with only 3 items, what would you take?” You know those questions, right? Well, it wasn’t long ago I was starting a new project and a group leader started the first meeting by asking who we would invite to dinner if we were guaranteed they’d come.

That got my mind working overtime. I LOVED this question. Maybe because I love dinner parties, or maybe because my mind immediately started racing all over the place with some really cool people I admire for lots of different reasons. The point is, I quickly realized all the folks I’d invite were women and had varied interests, industries, points of view, etc. So I thought it’d be fun to show you my imaginary “Gathering of the Goddesses” dinner party, and give you some insight on why I’d invite these gals over.

Because I have plenty to say about these ladies, I’ll break this entry into three separate posts, so be sure to check back in for Part two on Thursday and Part three on Saturday..

Barbara Walters:

Thank heavens young girls today don’t have to grow up not seeing a woman in a position of authority on television; specifically on the news. That same thing couldn’t be said before Barbara Walters became the first female national news anchor back in 1976. She became the highest paid woman in journalism at that time, and also gained the opportunity to begin producing news specials which would air during prime time. I read her memoir back in 2008 (Audition) and was absolutely fascinated at the front seat she’s had to history. She spoke frankly in the book about her sacrifices, successes and her failures. Reading that made her feel human to me, and I would LOVE the opportunity to hear what off-the-record memories she’d share during the salad course about her most famous interview subjects. At 90+ years old, I know she still has so many gifts to share, and I’d love any opportunity I could get to soak in anything she’d have to offer.

What I’d ask her:

-Although she relates a little insight into her this in her book, I’d love to hear more from her about how she charted her own path when there were no examples of women in positions like what she was working for at that time.

-What does she do to fight stage fright? (She often talks about nervousness before, during and after interviews)

-After interviewing Presidents, Television stars, World Leaders, Authors, Criminals etc. who is left on her interview bucket list/why?

- Can I pour you some more wine?

And- this is not really a question, but I’d BEG for some off-the-record stories from her years in the news. (But I wouldn’t tell those secrets to a soul!)


If you don’t know Lizzo, you may need to open up your mind and keep reading. You’ll want to know her. (I say that like we’re best friends, because I’m sure we would be if she had any idea I even existed.)

I was late to the Lizzo party because I’m no spring chicken, but once I received my invitation, I showed up and haven’t left yet. Put simply: I ADORE HER.

I really do. I absolutely adore her. Ever looked in the mirror and felt less than happy with what looked back at you? She’s got a song for that. Ever had your heart broken and wanted to sing loud while taking back your world? She’s got a song for that. Ever decided enough was enough and you were worth more (at work, in a relationship, with a friend, etc.?) Oh, she’s REALLY got a song for that.

Look, she’s gonna tell you like it is. That may include some language that will have you clutching your pearls, so just be prepared to get through that. If you actually listen to what she’s saying, you’ll join me in waving your proverbial hanky in the air yelling, “PREACH, honey.”

Earlier this year, Lizzo performed a medley of some of her best known songs at the MTV music awards. The next morning, I forwarded the video of that performance to a few people. My husband was out of town so I even sent it to him. If you missed it, you can see it here. Around the 2:16 mark Lizzo started a speech within the song that had me wanting to high five every gal I know. There truly is power in finally accepting all the good and bad things about yourself so you can move forward with becoming the very best version of you.

Her message is to be loud and proud of being YOU. Know your worth and be happy with who you actually are as an individual; not some box society or another human tries to put around you. Take the bad the world hands you and grow from it. Oh- and get some photos made…with the bomb lighting, why don’t you?

What I’d ask her:

-100% honesty here, I’d ask her if we could turn the music up and have a little church in the dining room.

-What’s her response to people who miss her message because of her appearance or presentation?

-How did she finally kick the habit of comparison and decide to be herself?

-Does she need another backup singer? (Because I’d TOTALLY try out)

-What does she believe people misunderstand the most about her?

Okay, so do you want to come to this dinner yet? As you can see by the other folks I’ve got sitting around my dream table, it’d be a night that would most certainly never be forgotten. So come on back for Parts 2 and 3 of this series where we’ll chat about the Notorious RBG, the incomparable Dolly Parton, trail blazing ambassador of kindness Ellen Degeneres and the amazing Michelle Obama.

I’d LOVE to hear who you’d have at your dream dinner!