Sausage, Potato & Kale Soup Recipe

Ready for a hearty soup full of BOLD flavor? Well, I’ve got a fun recipe for you today! If you follow along on LetterJess over on the Instagram Stories platform, you may have seen this recipe come to life. If you haven’t seen that yet, don’t worry. I’m saving it as a highlight on the LetterJess account, and you’ll be able to refer to it in case you have questions about this recipe as you read here. Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you love this as much as I do!


1 5lb bag of yukon gold potatoes

1 lb of sausage (I use Jimmy Dean sage flavored sausage, but you can select any brand/flavor/type you love most. Experiment!)

1 bag of kale (I use most of the bag, but you can vary the amount based on how much you like what texture soup you prefer)

10 cups water

chicken bouillon (if you have the small cubes in the jar, use about 10, but adjust that number to 5 if you’re using the large or extra large cubes from the box.)

1 white onion, chopped

1 cup heavy cream

2-3 tablespoons of garlic puree (to taste)

Red Pepper Flakes (to taste; I give my sausage a good covering of flakes, but if you don’t like spicy food, use less.)

pinch of salt

Wine or cocktail (none goes in the soup, but I think having a sip or two of something fun while I’m cooking is always fun. :) )


  1. Chop your onion and peel your potatoes so they are ready when needed.

  2. Saute your sausage. Be sure to add your red pepper flakes while the sausage is cooking. Cover and set sausage aside for later. (Don’t refrigerate)

  3. In the same pan you just used to cook the sausage, saute your garlic and onion together.

  4. Add your chicken bouillon cubes to your onion/garlic mixture in 10 cups of water and bring to a boil.

  5. While you’re waiting for your water to boil, cut your potatoes into cubes. I vary the size/shape of my potato cubes to help the texture of the soup

  6. Add the potatoes to your boiling water. Bring the water back to a boil. Let potatoes boil about 30 minutes.

  7. Add heavy cream (1 cup) to the soup and let it come back to boil.

  8. Add the sausage/red pepper flakes you set aside earlier. Let boil for another couple minutes.

  9. Add Kale and let cook last few minutes.

While cooking this yesterday I had a couple people ask if you could add bacon. YES! I used to add bacon to the sausage while i was cooking it but didn’t think it made a huge difference. Another friend highly recommends adding bacon crumbles to the top before you serve.

This is a hearty soup that doesn’t need much to fill you up. I do like to heat up some garlic breadsticks or even biscuits to dip in the soup. I also enjoy serving this with white wine that isn’t overly oaked.

Let me know when you make this! I hope you love it like I do.