Word of the Year for 2020


The beginning of the year is such an exciting time. Social media feeds are filled with positive affirmations anticipating wonderful things in store for us as we turn the page on the calendar yet again. Commercials and news segments shift to focus on self-improvement tips, tools and resources. It truly seems like anything is possible, and truthfully- anything IS possible!

The truth is that big changes, improvements or resolutions don’t have to begin on January 1. They can (and probably should) happen anytime you make the decision to do something in your life differently. That said, the celebrations and focus centered around the beginning of the year is a wonderful time to take a few moments to decide what areas in your life deserve a little added focus.

For the past couple years I’ve used a goal planner to help me keep my resolutions fresh throughout the year. (You can read an earlier post about my PowerSheets here.) The process of setting goals for the year in this system includes choosing a word of the year, and I LOVE THIS STEP!

Having a word of the year has been a great way to think carefully about what I want the main area of focus to be for my year. It’s been a way to help me center my focus or energy through the year on the big picture items and has been a quick way to recenter myself on a hard day or during a tough time.

For example, in 2019 my word of the year was “perspective.” A quiet whisper to myself of my word of the year has been a motivation for me when I’ve had to do something I wasn’t looking forward to. It reminded me on tough days that better days were around the corner.

My word for 2020 is BUILD. Thoughts about building are all around me in the coming year. Jodie and I are waiting to break ground to build our forever home any day now. I’m working and dreaming about building a business that accomplishes it’s mission: to inspire delight. I want to continue building deeper friendships and connections with people I meet on this new work journey, and yes- I want to build better habits related to health and well-being so I am a better steward of the physical resources with which God has blessed me.

My word of the year for 2019 was “perspective,” and my word of the year for 2018 was “deliberate.” Did I accomplish every single thing I wanted to in each of these years? Truthfully- No. But- having a focus, a plan, a goal that I keep top of mind helped me get further on them that I would have otherwise.

If you haven’t already thought of something you’d like to be the theme of the coming year I encourage you to take time to do just that. If thinking about a full year seems overwhelming, think about something you want to focus on for the next week or month. Hey- if you’re in a season of life where you are truly taking it a day at a time to survive, then focus on a word each day and celebrate any or all positive steps you’re taking as you do it.

I’d love to cheer you on. Let me know your word of the year? I’ll write the responses for you and post them to Facebook/Instagram for you. You can screenshot it and keep it as a wallpaper or reminder of your word. I can’t wait to hear what you’re focused on in 2020.